Saturday, January 30, 2010

Assignment 2 Resolving Interpersonal Conflicts

This is a real life scenario.

People involved: Grandma
Mum (Grandma’s Daughter)
Son (Post will be written from the son’s perspective)

Mum and Grandma have always lived together and they share a close relationship. However, Grandma constantly lectures Mum and doesn’t give her much encouragement in anything that she does. Dad is a quiet man and seldom interferes in their arguments and household matters. Mum and Grandma are really caring and nice people by nature. They readily extend help when needed and are warm to their relatives and friends. For example, treating them to meals and giving them gifts. However, Grandma has never showed such affection to Mum.

A year ago, Mum suddenly decided to stop all communication with Grandma. She gave her the cold treatment and constantly reprimanded her for minor issues. This made Grandma really hurt. The relationship deteriorated to the extend where Mum treated Grandma as if she were transparent. For example, she bought food for the whole family with the exception of Grandma.

Currently, I am fifteen years old. Mum gets jealous whenever Grandma gives me something and she instructs me not to accept anything from Grandma. Mum repeatedly refused to talk and sort things out with Grandma. Her relationship with everyone else around her remains normal.

What is the main problem here? How do you think Dad should step in? What’s exactly on Mum’s mind? Is there anything that I can do?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why are effective communication skills important to me

Have you ever been to a lecture and not felt sleepy? Or a sermon in church and you actually listen intently to whatever the speaker is saying. It has always intrigued me at how these people actually do it. Where I have no interest in the subject or topic whatsoever, but they still managed to capture my attention and put their message across to me. I always find it amazing when someone has such an effect on me. It’s the complete opposite of someone who speaks and I got to try hard to fight off the “Z” monsters at the same time. This to me is an important aspect of effective communication. The message is understood by your target audience with little difficulty.

Furthermore, in this cut-throat society, it is important that you are able to present yourself in a clear, consistent and easily understood manner. I believe having good communication skills is an important asset in the working society. It’ll come in handy during interviews, presentations and meetings. Having good communication skills would almost certainly give you an edge over others.

Lastly, I believe it would help develop healthier relationships within friends and families. It would help reduce arguments and frustrations while at the same time increase the bond through better understanding of one another.

Therefore I do hope to be able to equip myself with at least some skills so that I’ll be able to understand people around me better while at same time, not let myself be misunderstood.

Thursday, January 21, 2010